Our aim at Bradley is to provide a quality education that enables all children not only to progress academically but socially and morally too and to enjoy their time at primary school, making memories and friendships that will stay with them for ever. By building and fostering strong home and school links we work collaboratively with parents to guide and educate our learners to be academically, socially and personally successful. We raise aspirations through making real life links and value contributions learners and their families make in the local and wider community.

At Bradley Primary, we actively encourage a warm and happy atmosphere that enables children to feel secure and helps them flourish. We are very proud of all our children’s achievements and everyone at Bradley is committed to putting the children first. We pride ourselves on providing a learning environment where children grow and develop in safe and supportive surroundings, becoming ‘creative thinkers and lifelong learners’. All of our children are valued and respected as individuals who leave our school ready for the next stage in their education with life skills which prepare them for their future.

Our Aims

At Bradley Primary School we aim to:

  • Provide a happy, friendly and caring environment where children feel secure and valued.
  • We are a school where learning and teaching is at the heart of everything we do.
  • In our school we aim to create a stimulating, fun and inclusive learning environment which provides equal opportunities for all.
  • Our children will be supported in achieving their potential academically, socially, physically and emotionally.
  • Children are encouraged to develop self-discipline and respect for everyone, in an environment that promotes learning and excellence.
  • We aim for all pupils to fulfil their true potential.
  • Children are encouraged to have a voice at school and to take part in democratic processes, this includes our School Council, Eco- Council and Digital Leaders.

The outcomes should be:

  • Our children become confident, well-balanced individuals who enjoy learning and who can make a positive contribution to their community and the wider world.
  • Children work hard, persevere, and show determination.
  • Children behave well and care and support each other.
  • Our curriculum is broad, balanced and robust with many first hand opportunities for enrichment.
  • We develop positive relationships with parents and the wider community especially as the school is at the heart of the Bradley community.
  • When our children leave us at the end of Year 6 we want them to be confident, independent and excited about their futures.