This year the eco council have split into two smaller groups.  Mrs Bowie leads the KS2 group and Mrs Richards leads the EYFS and KS1 group.  We are aiming to maintain our green award status as an eco-school and build on the work we have done in previous years.  We are very proud to be an eco-school and all of our eco councillors are committed to making our school more eco-friendly and having a positive impact on the world we live in. 

What has happened in the Autumn Term?

  • Each class voted for their representative.
  • The eco councillors met with Mrs Bowie and Mrs Richards to complete an eco-review of our school.
  • The key stage two eco councillors met to discuss our eco-review and decide which 3 areas they wanted to focus on.
  • They decided on:

 Biodiversity       Global Citizenship      Litter

  • The eco committee then worked alongside Mrs Bowie and Mrs Richards to write an action plan to help us reach our goals.


Meet our eco-council.


What has happened in the Spring Term?


As a school, we took part in 'Bags 2 School' fundraiser.  We brought in 170kg of clothes, textiles and toys from home which will now be recycled or repurposed.  This means there is 170kg less waste going to landfill and we raised some funds for school.  The eco council are carefully planning how to spend this money to support us on our eco schools journey.

The KS2 members of the eco council did a whole school assembly related to our focus area of litter.  

They explained our aims for this topic and taught the whole school about the Great British Spring Clean.  Every year group in school then went away and took part in a litter pick on our school grounds, or in the local area.  It was wonderful to see so many children taking part in this project and to hear how keen so many pupils were to take positive social action in their local community.

Mrs Wiseman is now leading the KS1 eco council.  They have decided they are going to lead on our biodiversity actions during the summer term. 

They can't wait to start making some new bug hotels for our school grounds and help maintain our school garden.